映画『ドラえもん のび太の南極カチコチ大冒険』x 東京メトロ サンクスイベント
Star Wars: Rogue One ; Jakarta Exhibition feat. Ninja Ink
↑Ninja Ink by Sony Digital Entertainment
『ぶらり途中下車の旅』(日本テレビ系列)x VR GALLERY by Sony Digital Entertainment
April 03, 2017
これからも この惑星中の人たちを魅了し続けることに、自分の総てを捧げたい。
Today (April 2nd) marks the 13 year anniversary since I first began this company.
(as the division of Sony Pictures Entertainment in the beginning.)
I am very proud that we have stayed in business for so long. And I couldn’t have done it without my wonderful staff. Thank you all so much!
As a Hollywood studio with a long history, the decision to
start a new mobile internet business raised many eyebrows at first.
When I first started exploring the possibilities of this media, the
Internet was much less advanced than it is now. In those days, people had devices with three-inch screens that struggled to send a single wall-paper image.
But the prospect was exciting too. Being able to watch content on one’s phone – not at a movie theater, not at home, but on one’s phone while taking a stroll - was like a sci-fi movie.
And the rest is history. We’ve gone from flip phones to smartphones, from cable to Wi-Fi, from searching to sharing. These days, smartphones are almost like a remote control for our lives.
Nobody in the film or TV industries had considered that first-rate art and new creators would spring up through this media. But we believed in our vision. I constantly met with unknown creators and collaborated with them to make great works.
I’ve now brought the world all kinds of amazing creations through online media.
I'm going to keep wowing people all over the planet with great
works. The best is yet to come!
March 17, 2017
2014年のアカデミー賞ノミネート映画『キューティ―&ボクサー』のキューティこと篠原乃り子がギュウちゃんとの成りそめをeコミック化【Cutie and B—】
March 13, 2017
Ushio Shinohara solo exhibition 'Boxing Explosion on My Painting!'
Gyu-chan!(Ushio Shinohara) was born in Tokyo in 1932.
January 31, 2017
Interview: “VR is the first media that can publish Experience” Atsushi Fukuda
Interview: "VR is the first media that can publish Experience"
January 28, 2017
content that is created after technological development.
8mm film enabled anyone to become a film director without the need of
becoming gofer to an assistant director in a major film studio.
The Walkman enabled people to listen to music while running, without
needing to bring a full orchestra to your garden.
That’s why I believe that creating new content for VR will give
related media the position it deserves."
From speech entitled "Fusion of Modern Art, Digital Entertainment and
VR" at K.I.T. Toranomon Graduate School (November 9, 2016).